Posts tagged Easter
The Easter Bundle

Happy April!!

The happiest month of the year in my opinion! Although this year is a little different (let’s be honest, TOTALLY different) it’s still important to create some normalcy and find the little things that spark joy for us. Easter has always been an important holiday that I have lots of happy memories of. As a family, we always celebrated Easter by going to church in a new dress, having a big brunch and going on an Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. I’ll never forget waking up to our Easter baskets with all our spring goodies before we got ready for church! From all of the colors to all of the flowers, carrot cake and chocolate covered bunnies, what’s not to fall in love with?!

Apart from all the fun, frills and fluff the holiday brings, Easter holds a special place in my heart because of why it was created and what it signifies. As a believer…

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Easter Brunch

As a believer, Easter has always been special and important for me to celebrate. It’s also a really fun time to dress up and go to brunch! Growing up, I remember always getting to buy a special new dress for Easter Sunday. After church, we would either go to the country club or come home to a really elaborate brunch. My mother would always have her Easter decorations out, fresh flowers on the table and food that she had been preparing all weekend. I just remember really beautiful colors that set the tone for the change in season and represented new life.

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