The Easter Bundle


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Happy April!!

The happiest month of the year in my opinion! Although this year is a little different (let’s be honest, TOTALLY different) it’s still important to create some normalcy and find the little things that spark joy for us. Easter has always been an important holiday that I have lots of happy memories of. As a family, we always celebrated Easter by going to church in a new dress, having a big brunch and going on an Easter egg hunt in the afternoon. I’ll never forget waking up to our Easter baskets with all our spring goodies before we got ready for church! From all of the colors to all of the flowers, carrot cake and chocolate covered bunnies, what’s not to fall in love with?!

Apart from all the fun, frills and fluff the holiday brings, Easter holds a special place in my heart because of why it was created and what it signifies. As a believer, there is nothing that holds the candle to the celebration that Jesus is risen and lives! Now more than ever, I feel the significance this holiday has in my own life and heart. He lives, He hears us and He is good.

Although this Easter will be very different, it’s is still just as important, if not more important, to celebrate and acknowledge the holiday. Here are just a few things I’ve rounded up to pick up our spirits and spark some joy! Whether it’s a new dress and pair of earrings or a few new spring pieces to sprinkle around your home, a little color goes a long way to brighten your day.



Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?"

John 11:25-26

Easter Decor

Spring Wardrobe

P.S. - The silver lining in all of this is most every website/store/brand is offering sitewide sales right now. Most of these items are currently on major markdown so take advantage! #retailtherapy